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Arab coalition intercepts two Houthi drones launched toward southern Saudi Arabia

Sun, 2021-06-27 17:26

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s air defenses intercepted two explosive-laden drones launched by Yemen’s Houthi militia toward the Kingdom’s southern region, state TV reported on Sunday.
The Arab coalition said the drones were targeting the city of Khamis Mushait, adding“the efficiency of the air defenses thwarted all hostile attempts toward Saudi Arabia.”
On Saturday, Saudi defenses destroyed 3 booby-trapped drones launched by the Iran-backed Houthis toward Khamis Mushait.
The coalition said that the Houthi militia deliberately targets civilians and civilian objects, adding that it is taking operational measures to protect civilians and deal with any threat.
The UAE strongly condemned the attack, saying it reflects the Houthis’ blatant defiance of the international community and its disregard for all international laws and norms.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation urged the international community to take “an immediate and decisive stance to stop these repeated actions that target vital and civil facilities, the security of the Kingdom, energy supplies and global economic stability,” adding that the continuation of these attacks in recent times is a dangerous escalation and new evidence of these militias’ efforts to undermine security and stability in the region.

Saudi Arabia's air defenses destroyed the two drones that were targeting Khamis Mushait. (File/AP)
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