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"Twitter Killer" In Japan Killed 9 People With "Consent", His Lawyers Say

A Japanese man dubbed the "Twitter killer" for luring his victims on social media admitted in court Wednesday to murdering nine people, local media said.

from NDTV News - Special https://ift.tt/3cI1ha0

Saudi Arabia affirms need to take measures to address pandemic

Thu, 2020-10-01 02:50

NEW YORK: Saudi Arabia affirmed the need for cooperation and peace in light of the unprecedented, global crisis provoked by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and its dire economic, social, and humanitarian effects.

This came during a speech delivered by Abdallah Al-Mouallimi, Saudi Arabia’s permanent representative to the UN, during the virtually held high-level meeting of the UN Alliance of Civilizations Group of Friends.

Al-Mouallimi expressed his deep gratitude to all health care workers who are fighting on the front lines of this ongoing pandemic, stressing the importance of providing them with the necessary support. He added: “As the world confronts the COVID-19 pandemic, Saudi Arabia stresses the need for a full respect of human rights, and also affirms that there is no place for any form of discrimination, racism and xenophobia if we want to get out of this crisis stronger.”

Main category: 
Saudi Arabia confirms 27 COVID-19 deaths, 539 new casesSaudi coronavirus virus victim ‘in stable condition’

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/3ijcQ8D

Harassers face ‘naming and shaming’ after Saudi Shoura Council ruling

Thu, 2020-10-01 02:37

JEDDAH: Violations of Saudi Arabia’s anti-sexual harassment laws could be punished by “naming and shaming” following a decision by the Kingdom’s Shoura Council to approve a defamation penalty.

The council voted in favor of the penalty during its session on Wednesday after previously rejecting the move in March this year.

Council member Latifah Al-Shaalan said the proposal to include the penalty was sent by the Saudi Cabinet.

Saudi lawyer Njood Al-Qassim said she agrees with the move, adding that it will help eliminate harassment in workplaces and public places as well as in schools.

“The penalty will be imposed according to a court ruling under the supervision of judges, and according to the gravity of the crime and its impact on society,” Al-Qassim told Arab News.

“This will be a deterrent against every harasser and molester,” she said.

Al-Qassim said that legal experts are required to explain the system and its penalties to the public.

“The Public Prosecution has clarified those that may be subject to punishment for harassment crimes, including the perpetrator, instigator and accessory to the crime, the one who agreed with the harasser, malicious report provider, and the person who filed a malicious prosecution lawsuit,” she added.

“The Public Prosecution also confirmed that attempted harassment requires half the penalty prescribed for the crime,” said Al-Qassim.

In May 2018, the Shoura Council and Cabinet approved a measure criminalizing sexual harassment under which offenders will be fined up to SR100,000 ($26,660) and jailed for a maximum of two years, depending on the severity of the crime. 

In the most severe cases, where the victims are children or disabled, for example, violators will face prison terms of up to five years and/or a maximum penalty of SR300,000.

Incidents that have been reported more than once will be subject to the maximum punishment. 

The law seeks to combat harassment crimes, particularly those targeting children under 18 and people with special needs.

Witnesses are also encouraged to report violations and their identities will remain confidential.

The law defines sexual harassment as words or actions that hint at sexuality toward one person from another, or that harms the body, honor or modesty of a person in any way. It takes into account harassment in public areas, workplaces, schools, care centers, orphanages, homes and on social media.

“The legislation aims at combating the crime of harassment, preventing it, applying punishment against perpetrators and protecting the victims in order to safeguard the individual’s privacy, dignity and personal freedom which are guaranteed by Islamic law and regulations,” a statement from the Shoura Council said.

Council member Eqbal Darandari, who supports the law, said on Twitter that the defamation penalty has proven its effectiveness in crimes in which a criminal exploits a person’s trust.

“The defamation of one person is a sufficient deterrent to the rest,” she said.

Social media activist Hanan Abdullah told Arab News the decision “is a great deterrent for every harasser since some fear for their personal and family’s reputation, and won’t be deterred except through fear of defamation.”

The move will protect women from “uneducated people who believe that whoever leaves her house deserves to be attacked and harassed,” she said.

“Anyone who is unhappy with this decision should look at their behavior.”

Main category: 
Saudi Shoura Council calls on anti-graft agency to increase coordination with other government bodies Saudi Shoura Council convenes session online to tackle various measures

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/3n35YQl

Saudi program seeks ‘culture of dialogue, tolerance’

Thu, 2020-10-01 02:29

RIYADH: The King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz International Center for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID) and the Interreligious Platform for Dialogue and Cooperation (IPDC) on Wednesday launched the Dialogue Program 2020 among religious leaders and organizations in the Arab world.

KAICIID secretary-general, Faisal bin Abdulrahman bin Muaammar, said the center aims to enhance the culture of dialogue and coexistence, and highlight the value of human diversity.

He said the center also lays the foundations of understanding and collaboration among all religions and cultures, and highlights the importance of building a diverse culture.

The center provides sustainable solutions for today’s challenges, he added.

“Serious dialogue can enhance the role of interreligious institutions, helping to promote a culture of dialogue, coexistence and tolerance in society,” he said. “The message of the center addresses all humankind and not a specific society.”

The terrorist events that ripped through the region were the result of fanaticism and hatred, he said, noting that people of all diverse and multiple backgrounds can coexist peacefully in society.

“Islam has provided the first constitution that enhances the idea of common citizenship and freedom of religions. The Document of Madinah included a comprehensive constitution that guides people of different religious backgrounds on how to live together peacefully and practice their religion freely, and, most importantly, enhance the values of coexistence, justice, security and peace among one another,” he added.

Bin Muaammar called on those who have the capability to fight the discourse of extremism, saying that dialogue can enhance “human principles and values such as mercy, respect, tolerance, peace and social solidarity.”

He also urged religious leaders and institutions, as well as policymakers, to promote such values and strengthen comprehensive citizenship.

“Those leaders and institutions can fight and confront the threats facing peaceful coexistence and tolerance, threats that are posed by extreme groups,” he said. “Religious institutions should enhance the culture of common citizenship, each in their society.”

KAICIID contributes to such efforts through its experience and collaboration with relevant institutions around the world.

The Dialogue Program 2020 promotes dialogue, common citizenship and coexistence in the Arab world through cooperation in a range of projects. It also challenges messages of hate locally, nationally and regionally.

Main category: 
Interfaith group KAICIID on a mission to replace hate rhetoric with toleranceWorld Alliance of Religions for Peace elects KAICIID chief as honorary president

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/3l1nJxF

DiplomaticQuarter: Chinese envoy, Saudi minister discuss ways to strengthen ties

Thu, 2020-10-01 01:51

RIYADH: Chinese Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Chen Weiqing called on Saudi Minister of Islamic Affairs, Dawah and Guidance Sheikh Abdullatif Al-Asheikh at his office in Riyadh, where they exchanged views on strengthening mutual cooperation.

Discussed at the meeting were issues of mutual interest to enhance bilateral cooperation, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

After the meeting, the Chinese ambassador tweeted: “I was honored to meet with the minister of Islamic affairs, and we exchanged views on strengthening the dialogue on civilizations and friendship between people of the two countries and issues of common interests.”

Earlier, Weiqing met Abdul Aziz Al-Owaisheq, assistant secretary-general for political affairs and negotiations of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

He was accompanied by his delegation of officials from the Chinese Embassy in Riyadh.

During the meeting, they discussed ways to enhance joint cooperation, in accordance with the agreements signed within the framework of the strategic partnership between the two sides. 

They also discussed the latest developments in regional and international politics, issues of common interest, and their upcoming joint meetings.

Commenting on the meeting, the Chinese ambassador tweeted: “I am pleased to exchange views with the assistant secretary-general for political affairs and negotiations of the GCC about developing relationship between China and the council.”

Saudi Arabia and China are comprehensive strategic partners with strong trade exchanges and are keen on continuing their close bilateral relations and developing them into a long-term strategic partnership protecting mutual interests. 

Saudi Arabia is one of China’s top crude oil suppliers and an important market for its exports.

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from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/3l6wkiN

Saudi health campaigners think pink for breast cancer awareness month

Thu, 2020-10-01 01:27

JEDDAH: Breast cancer, once a taboo subject in many Saudi social settings, is now openly talked about thanks to years of awareness campaigns led by an organization bearing the name of a victim of the disease, Zahra.

As Breast Cancer Awareness month gets underway, campaigners in the Kingdom will be urging people to think pink, the internationally recognized symbol of October and a color adopted by the Zahra Breast Cancer Association in Saudi Arabia.

The association was one of the first bodies in the country dedicated to raising awareness about the disease and providing support to patients and survivors. And its mission is far from over, with more outreach programs and initiatives in the pipeline.

While most people are aware of breast cancer, many forget to follow the vital steps toward detecting the disease in its early stages, but the association is leading the fight to highlight the need for regular checks.

Known to be the most common cancer in women worldwide, it is the leading cause of death among Saudi women, according to a retrospective epidemiological study conducted in 2012.

The findings showed high-incidence rates occurring at an earlier age in Saudi women than in those in Western countries.

More than 25 years ago, Dr. Suad bin Amer, the head of breast cancer research at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, struggled to understand the disease which her mother, Zahra bint Ali bin Harfash, suffered from.

In order to comprehend her mom’s grave situation and treatment, that went on for several years, Amer went on a hunt for information and was able to answer the questions of her ailing mother, who succumbed to the disease years later.

Since early 2003, awareness workshops and seminars have been conducted in a number of institutions in Riyadh, and awareness campaigns run in shopping centers were later expanded throughout the Kingdom.

With a mission to provide a clearer understanding of the disease, support patients, and help them to live a pro-active life after recovery, Amer co-founded the Zahra Breast Cancer Association in 2007, named after her late mother.

In carrying out her awareness work, she took to heart the words of her mother who said: “Women must be made aware of this disease, must seek knowledge and information about it by themselves, and should undergo screening.”

With this message in mind Amer began her journey of spreading awareness in the Kingdom about the importance of early detection with a team of dedicated co-founders and members.

CEO and co-founder, Hanadi Al-Outhah, told Arab News that breast cancer awareness month would go ahead despite the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, using digital means to reach out to as many people as possible, even beyond Saudi  borders.

“This year, we’re focusing on the four main pillars of thought, priorities, behavior, and gratitude toward health and how the events of the year were able to change the mindset of patients and survivors. We’re focusing on their growth and providing them with the support they need after recovery,” she said.

Al-Outhah added that the organization would be participation in the upcoming Civil20 (C20) event at which the importance of supporting cancer survivors, post-treatment, would be discussed.

“It’s an area that we are falling behind on in the Kingdom and regionally. It’s never been discussed before and the aim is to target the G20 countries and encourage them to support them after their treatment, while activating their roles as survivors after. The result would be more impactful as many NGOs are founded by survivors themselves,” she said.

Hala Aseel, a co-founder of the association and a mental-health counselor, said: “I, like everyone at the time, was oblivious to what breast cancer was but understood it with time as I am a daughter of a cancer survivor.

“I believed in the goal of Zahra because people needed to change their view of the disease with survivors who can live to tell the tale. With enough support they can, and they’ll find a wider support group that also includes survivors to help.”

Another co-founder and clinical psychologist, Ahlam Al-Shamsi, said: “We went from knocking on people’s doors to people knocking on ours. With the help of the Ministry of Health, this was achieved. With the help of Zahra, we aim at empowering women, survivors, to go out and advocate about the screening process and talk about their journeys.

“With support, we’ll be able to do more to help and ensure that patients and survivors receive proper moral and psychological support that will ensure their continued journey in life.”

Public acceptance and acknowledgement of the importance of screening has encouraged many and helped in generating a better understanding of the risk factors relevant to patients.

“One of the main goals now is to fill in a gap and calculate the impact measurement, to ensure that there are enough people to continue providing psychological and social support by training specialists in the Kingdom, support research projects and empower members of the medical field, and provide them with the needed education,” said Al-Shamsi.

Zahra’s plans for the future include establishing a constant presence at specialist hospitals with cancer treatment centers and recruit community figures to help bring a local flavor to initiatives.

Al-Outhah noted that support would continue to be needed from all levels.

Breast cancer survivor, Awatif Al-Hoshan, who is a member of the board and a Zahra ambassador, said women were often confused and found it daunting to inquire about the disease, sometimes fearing the worst.

“When cancer patients and survivors see other women come forward, it brings a sense of ease and comfort. Zahra ambassadors follow a simple and important therapeutic path, to lend a helping hand,” she said.

“It’s a scientific fact that early detection saves lives and we’ve come a long way as we’ve cooperated with many health organizations to try and complete the circle, health-wise, mentally, and physically.

“The support I had while getting treatment wasn’t what I needed. I understood that and learnt from the experience. I am now a proud Zahra ambassador helping out patients and creating a community of caregivers with hopes to expand and have more people join,” Al-Hoshan added.

The association’s mission is far from complete, but its outreach has expanded throughout the Kingdom, and participation in this year’s C20 will provide a platform for its message to be heard around the world.

“Working with various entities throughout the years has helped to spread awareness at unprecedented levels. But support is everything,” said Al-Outhah.

Main category: 
How Saudi Arabia is leading Middle East’s fight against breast cancerArab News goes pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/2Gqm3Pa

Saudi artists beautify Riyadh with Arabic calligraphy

Thu, 2020-10-01 01:18

RIYADH: Saudi artists are decorating Riyadh with Arabic calligraphy, as part of the municipality’s efforts to beautify the capital.

The capital is witnessing a transformation, with several development projects underway that aim to improve people’s standards of living and ensure a sustainable environment in line with international standards. 

There are efforts underway to make Riyadh greener, in addition to gracing the city’s infrastructure with artwork. 

One of the people involved in the calligraphy initiative, graffiti artist Noura bin Saidan, said she wanted the city to be the most beautiful in the world in terms of art and design.

“The initiative was launched in March 2020,” she told Arab News. “I designed the place and chose the appropriate colors for the tunnel on King Khalid Road, which is near the heritage city of Diriyah. The colors I used are also inspired by the city’s heritage. We took advantage of this opportunity to participate in the Year of Arabic Calligraphy 2020, which is led by the Ministry of Culture.”

She used the Thuluth font to write the words of Saudi Arabia’s national anthem as the country’s National Day was approaching, and said the idea was to open up a wider space for artists to participate in such projects.

“After getting approval for the design, we selected several artists based on their experience in this type of art.”

Bin Saidan is vice president of the arts and architecture division of the Omran Society and owns a studio called ns4art. Her passion for graffiti and murals began with her master’s thesis about the role of art in beautifying roads and tunnels.

“10 years later the dream came true and I started coloring Riyadh,” she said.

The artists have moved to the next tunnel, on King Fahd Road, named Cairo Square, which was one of the activities of Saudi Arabia’s 90th National Day. She said the tunnel project took seven days to complete.

Bin Saidan said that people were happy about the final result and that she had been contacted by municipalities from different parts of the Kingdom about working with them.

Riyadh’s weather and the location of the projects were among the challenges that Bin Saidan and her team faced, as most of the sites were on highways.

And, while beautifying roads and tunnels is not her first project, she considered it one of her major ones.

“There are more projects to come, but we are waiting for the final approval.”

Main category: 
Saudi Arabia’s Year of Arabic Calligraphy extended into 2021 over coronavirus concerns

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/2SgpDOy

Dr. Amr Al-Maddah, chief planning and strategy officer at the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah

Thu, 2020-10-01 00:12

Dr. Amr Al-Maddah has been the chief planning and strategy officer at the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah since February last year.

He was previously director of project management and chairman of the ministry’s Development and Change Management Committee between April 2018 and February 2019.

Al-Maddah has a bachelor’s degree in electrical, electronics and communications engineering from King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah and a master’s degree in intelligent systems engineering from Osaka University. His doctorate is also in intelligent systems engineering and was gained at the same Japanese institution.

He worked as a premises engineer at Saudi Hollandi Bank between 2007 and 2008, and as a researcher at Arai Laboratory, Osaka, between April and October 2008. He was a research associate at the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center between December 2013 and April 2014. Between April 2016 and April 2017, he worked at the Saudi Research and Marketing Group at Arinat as chief operating officer, and was chief operating manager at Manga Productions at the Misk Foundation between March 2017 and April 2018.

Al-Maddah was director of business incubators at King Abdul Aziz University between January 2015 and March 2016, a consultant to the university’s vice president for business and knowledge creativity between July 2014 and July 2016, and has been assistant professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department since April 2014.

The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has announced that pilgrims must wait 14 days before booking another date for Umrah, and that the first Umrah will start Oct. 4. Al-Maddah said that 35,000 requests have been registered so far to perform Umrah.

Main category: 
Dr. Hussam bin Abdulmohsen Al-Angari, president of the General Court of AuditMohammed Fahad Al-Harthi, Saudi writer, journalist and media expert

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/33g6LFK

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Dr. Hussam bin Abdulmohsen Al-Angari, president of the General Court of Audit

Wed, 2020-09-30 02:09

Dr. Hussam bin Abdulmohsen Al-Angari has been the president of the General Court of Audit (GCA) since 2016.
He has recently approved a strategic plan for cybersecurity at GCA. It followed the creation of a cybersecurity department at the top auditing institution.
Al-Angari obtained his bachelor’s degree in accounting at King Abdul Aziz University (KAU).  He joined his alma mater as an accounting lecturer in 1991. He received a Ph.D. in accounting and financial management from Essex University in the UK and became an assistant professor at KAU in 2000. Four years later, he became an associate professor. He was promoted to the rank of professor in 2008.
He served as vice-dean of postgraduate studies and academic research at the faculty of economics and administration in KAU from 2005 to 2009. Later, he became the dean of the same faculty, with his term extending for another two years.
Al-Angari served as a Shoura Council member from 2013 to 2017. During his tenure at the council, he served as vice-chair of the finance committee for two years, and then he became chair of the committee.
Al-Angari has authored over 50 research papers and articles in English and Arabic. He has also published several textbooks, including “Auditing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,” which has had three editions printed, and “Who Takes to Account the Certified Public Accountants.”

Main category: 
Mohammed Fahad Al-Harthi, Saudi writer, journalist and media expertDr. Abdul Aziz bin Osman Al-Tuwaijiri, secretary-general of the Islamic, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/2GhdtlU

Saudi app fights fake promotions, discounts

Wed, 2020-09-30 01:47

RIYADH: A new electronic app will now protect consumers against fake and illegal discount offers and promotions, said a spokesman for the Saudi Commerce Ministry.
The app will also let consumers check if sales are still valid and useable. If they are invalid, consumers can report violations directly to the ministry, he said on Tuesday.
The spokesman, Abdulrahman Al-Hussain, said that companies offering discounts are required to follow certain procedures. They must apply for a license, mention products covered by discounts, provide a list of product prices before and after discount, give a discount percentage and put a before and after prices on a product price tag, he said.
The e-discounts app also lists companies that have a license to offer discounts, and explains the types of discounts licensed by the ministry. The app can be accessed on smartphones.


The e-discounts app lists companies that have a license to offer discounts.

Another feature available on the app is the ability to search for consumables or companies and show the percentage and duration of discounts. It also allows consumers to find the location of a company through Google Maps.
“The ministry requires the companies to print the license of discounts and display it properly. For online stores, the license of discounts should be clearly shown on the website,” said Al-Hussain.
“Companies and online businesses can apply for a discount license and promote seasonal sales through the application. This service gives discounts, sales, and promotions more credibility,” he added.
Muhammad Al-Hamad, a former president of the Consumer Protection Association, said the ministry should double-check the prices before discounts and ensure there is a price tag showing the price and the value-added tax, as well as the discount percentage and price after tax.
“Some stores raise the prices then claim they are offering discounts. The consumer should search for the quality before the price and also ask if there is an aftersales service,” he said. “The consumer should also demand a receipt because this is the only proof showing that he or she has bought the product,” he added.

Main category: 
Ministry takes action against fake discountFake discounts irk consumers

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/3n0fS5f

Ministry makes 14-day gap between two Umrahs mandatory

Wed, 2020-09-30 01:22

MAKKAH: Pilgrims must wait 14 days before booking another date for Umrah, while the Eatmarna app will be launched on Android soon, the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah said.

“Pilgrims can perform Umrah twice, but must wait 14 days before performing Umrah the second time, to give a chance to everyone to perform Umrah in line with the necessary precautionary measures brought about by the coronavirus,” Dr. Amr Al-Maddah, the ministry’s chief planning and strategy officer, told Arab News.
The ministry is studying  the available spots that can  be used by the pilgrims to perform Umrah while maintaining social distancing, ensuring health protocols.
Al-Maddah said that so far 35,000 requests have been registered to perform Umrah.
Pilgrims will start performing Umrah on Oct. 4 within the first stage of the Umrah plan this year, in line with health protocols and procedures.
In the first phase, pilgrims will perform Umrah at six different times a day, giving each pilgrim three hours.

He added that between the sunset and evening prayers, pilgrims will not be allowed to perform Umrah and, instead, this period will be allocated to cleaning and disinfecting. “Pilgrims will start performing Umrah at midnight, with the place disinfected before the arrival of each group.”
Each group will be accompanied by supervisors who will ensure pilgrims respect social distancing, and follow instructions and a pre-adopted timeline. Isolation rooms will be provided at the central area’s hotels to handle any potential cases.
The second stage, scheduled to start two weeks later, will be preceded by a comprehensive assessment of the first stage to address any shortcomings.
“The Kingdom is adopting extra vigilance during the Hajj and Umrah seasons to protect Muslims around the world, and allow them to perform their pilgrimage in ease and peace in line with precautionary measures,” said Al-Maddah.
“The three-stage plan will provide feedback on pilgrims’ commitment to protocols and adjustment to current circumstances.”
He said that the app was supposed to be launched earlier, but was delayed due to Android policies.
The app was presented to both Apple and Android at the same time, but Apple completed the procedures earlier, he added.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Islamic Affairs, Call and Guidance, Sheikh Dr. Abdullatif bin Abdul Aziz Al Al-Sheikh, announced the ministry’s readiness to receive Umrah performers in all Miqats in accordance with approved health protocols.
He commended leadership efforts to confront the pandemic, in addition to the government sector role in ensuring the safety of citizens, residents and Umrah performers.

Main category: 
Saudi Arabia’s Umrah plan to ensure flow of pilgrimsFirst stage of resumed services allow pilgrims three hours to perform Umrah

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/2GqrjSQ

G20 thinkers consider options for boosting global investment in infrastructure

Wed, 2020-09-30 00:36

RIYADH: The G20’s Think20 (T20) engagement group met on Tuesday to discuss the challenges nations face in developing infrastructure, and ways in which investment in the sector can be encouraged.

The aim of “Infrastructure Investment and Financing,” the latest in a series of T20 webinars, was to highlight the barriers to, and opportunities for, improving public and private investment in infrastructure, and identify changes to public policy that are necessary to attract more investors.

Participants explored the essential role of the private sector in providing long-term finance, and considered innovative frameworks that could help bridge infrastructure-investment gaps within and among countries. They also attempted to identify and evaluate infrastructure needs and opportunities for investment, based on efficiency, sustainability and economic development.

In his opening remarks, Raja Al-Marzoqi, the lead co-chair of the event and a faculty member at the Institute of Diplomatic Studies, said that public and private investment in infrastructure is necessary to meet increasing global demand for infrastructure, and to reduce the infrastructure gap between advanced and emerging economies.

Pakistani economist Shamshad Akhtar, the webinar co-chair and a former UN undersecretary, said a number of countries need better access to basic services, and global connectivity needs to be improved.

Instead of talking about “infrastructure investment,” she said there is a need to focus on sustainable infrastructure investment. Financing such projects and promoting climate-resilient and sustainable infrastructure investment remain key challenges, she added.

Akhtar welcomed the G20’s debt-relief initiative for poorer countries as they wage an economic battle against the effects of pandemic but stressed the need to do more to overcome the challenges they face, including high levels of debt.

“There is a need to prioritize innovative frameworks to bridge the infrastructure-investment gap, promoting infrastructure investments that are resilient, sustainable and can adjust to climate effects, technology innovation for smart cities, and challenges of rapid urbanization,” she added.

Tetsushi Sonobe, the dean and CEO of the Asian Development Bank Institute, said that to help achieve infrastructure objectives there is a need to enhance financial support to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. To attract private investment, however, the rate of return on such financing must be increased, he added, and research and international cooperation would help mitigate the challenges.

John Mathis, the president of TCAS Inc. and editor of the Journal of Private Equity, noted that the pandemic has affected infrastructure investment. He highlighted the importance of the G20 emergency reserve fund and the growing role it will play in infrastructure investment and financing.

“We recommend that the G20 infrastructure working group includes a systematic and multiscale review of nature-based solutions through the infrastructure cooperation platform, with a focus on designated post COVID-19 recovery initiatives,” said Nicolas Buchoud, president of the Grand Paris Alliance think tank and a fellow of the Global Solutions initiative, a collaborative enterprise that suggests policy responses to global problems.

At the end of the webinar, Saudi artist Abdul Aziz Al-Najim presented the group with a work he created based on the themes of infrastructure, investment and financing.

The T20 also welcomed the recent endorsement by G20 energy ministers of the circular carbon economy (CCE) framework for more-sustainable energy systems. The CCE concept, which was proposed to the G20 by Saudi Arabia, is a holistic, integrated, inclusive and pragmatic approach to managing emissions.

It offers a new way of addressing climate change mitigation goals that values all options and encourages all efforts to reduce the accumulation of carbon in the atmosphere through the “4Rs:” reduce the amount of carbon, reuse it to create valuable feedstocks and fuels; recycle it through the natural carbon cycle; and remove excess amounts from the atmosphere.

Hydrocarbons still account for 82 percent of G20 energy supplies, a figure that has remained relatively stable since 1990. G20 member countries must solve the problem of carbon accumulation in the atmosphere if the world is to stay below the Paris Agreement’s warming thresholds.

The T20 said that achieving the accord’s target of limiting the average global temperature rise to less than 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels — let alone its aspirational target of a 1.5 degree increase — will require the participation of hard-to-abate industries in efforts to mitigate greenhouse gases. Climate change mitigation targets cannot be achieved without first reaching emissions neutrality, which will require a significantly ramped-up effort to deploy and use negative emissions, the group said. It is essential that these industries are included in mitigation policies that address the transition to cleaner energy systems in an effort to achieve carbon neutrality in the second half of the century.

Coordinated G20 efforts are vital to the pursuit of this goal, and post-pandemic economic-recovery stimulus packages, especially hydrocarbon bailouts, must be built around a circular carbon economy framework, the T20 said.

The group called for a renewed commitment to addressing climate change by embracing all mitigation-technology options in an effort to progress toward sustainability. Specifically, it called on G20 governments to “build back better” after the pandemic through green and sustainable economic-stimulus packages. Stimulus priorities must not derail clean-energy targets and climate goals but must support innovations in carbon-management technologies, including negative-emission technologies such as direct air capture.

Saudi Arabia holds the presidency of the G20 this year and the group’s annual summit is due to be held in Riyadh in November. The T20, a network of think tanks and researchers, is one of several independent G20 engagement groups led by organizations from the host country. They focus on different sections and sectors of society and work to develop policy recommendations that are presented to G20 leaders for consideration.


Main category: 
G20 backs Saudi Arabia’s circular carbon economy strategy2020 G20 Leaders’ Summit to be held virtually on Nov. 21 – 22 

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/2EJW70y

Saudi Arabia’s foreign minster holds talks with senior European officials

Wed, 2020-09-30 00:10

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan, held a series of talks with senior European Union officials in Brussels on Tuesday, Saudi Press Agency reported.
He met with the European High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security, Josep Borrell, at the European External Action Service, and discussed ways to develop relations between the Kingdom and the EU.
They also discussed issues of common interest, joint EU-Saudi initiatives regarding the ongoing Saudi G20 Presidency, in addition to recent regional developments, including the situations in the Eastern Mediterranean, Lebanon, Libya, Iraq, the Sahel, Sudan and the Horn of Africa.

Borrell said he “reiterated the EU’s intention to strengthen bilateral engagement and cooperation with Saudi Arabia via the conclusion of a Cooperation Arrangement between the European External Action Service and the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs and to intensify dialogue on human rights, to which the EU attaches great importance.”
They also discussed EU-Saudi cooperation on the coronavirus pandemic, in the framework of the G20 presidency, and supporting international efforts to accelerate the manufacture and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Prince Faisal also met members of the European Political and Security Committee at the European Council headquarters in Brussels.

Ambassadors and delegates of the 27 member states attended the meeting, headed by Finnish ambassador Sofie From-Emmesberger.
During the meeting, they discussed various aspects of cooperation, as well as the programs for the G20, which will be held next month under the Kingdom’s presidency.

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Saudi Arabia's foreign minister and Greek counterpart discuss bilateral tiesSaudi Arabia's foreign minister attends G-20 meet in Argentine capital

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/36gYOSy

Saudi General Organization for Social Insurance extends support for private sector in the Kingdom

Tue, 2020-09-29 23:55

JEDDAH: Saudis working in private sector enterprises affected by the pandemic will receive a three-month extension of support from the government, the Saudi General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI) announced on Tuesday.

In a statement to the Saudi Press Agency, GOSI said that a Royal Decree ordered the extension of support through “Saned,” an unemployment insurance scheme, starting from November through to January 2021.

The scheme will include a maximum of 50 percent of Saudis working in enterprises still affected by the pandemic, making private sector support extend to a nine-month period.

GOSI explained the mechanism of support, jobs worthy of support, and eligibility conditions to pay the compensations for the additional period. They are based on measures and conditions set by the committee formed by the Royal Decree, which includes the Ministries of Finance, Economy and Planning, Human Resources and Social Development and GOSI.

The organization also confirmed that support will cover housing, travel agencies, tourist tours agencies, reservation services and related activities, air transport, sports, leisure, and artistic and creative activities.

GOSI said that enterprises eligible for support should decrease the percentage of support to 50 percent of total Saudis working in them starting from Oct. 1 until Oct. 15, through the enterprise’s account on the online insurance system.

In case an enterprise does not follow this condition, all requests by its workers will be annulled, and the owner of the enterprise will have to pay the full salary of the workers, including their subscription fees for social insurance.

In addition, GOSI said an enterprise owner has the right to exclude any supported employees and ask them to report back to work.

GOSI confirmed that the committee will regularly review and update the list of sectors affected by the pandemic, which it will regularly announce.

The committee will continue reviewing developments regarding economic activities, and provide updates on government decisions regarding precautionary and preventive measures to fight the pandemic.

Saudi Arabia announced 27 new COVID-19-related deaths on Tuesday. The death toll now stands at 4,739.

There were 539 new cases reported in the Kingdom, meaning 334,187 people have contracted the disease. There were 10,906 active cases, with 1,005 in critical condition.

According to the Ministry of Health, Jeddah recorded the highest number of cases in the Kingdom with 61, while Makkah reported 53 and Madinah 46.

In addition, 696 more patients have recovered from the disease, bringing the total number of recoveries in the Kingdom to 318,542.

Saudi Arabia has so far conducted 6,444,173 PCR tests, with 51,676 conducted in the last 24 hours.

Main category: 
Expats face GOSI cuts if they stay abroad for over one month

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/34ePjAG

Weather warning issued for some Saudi regions until Friday

Tue, 2020-09-29 23:38

RIYADH: Weather warnings have been issued for some regions of Saudi Arabia and are expected to continue until Friday.
The General Directorate of Civil Defense issued the warnings according to information received from the General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection.
The directorate warned of rain and increased chances of thunderstorms, saying the regions of Asir, Jazan, Al-Baha and Makkah will be affected by moderate to heavy rains and brisk winds with some areas exposed to heavy rain that may lead to flash floods.
Meanwhile, Madinah and the Eastern Province will be affected by light to moderate rain and brisk winds.
The General Directorate of Civil Defense called on all to be wary of the potential dangers in such weather conditions, to stay away from places where flash floods can form, and to abide by the civil defense's instructions announced through various media and social media outlets.

Main category: 
Saudi project clears 1,250 more mines in YemenSaudi Arabia strengthens position as world’s largest Islamic finance market

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/36k0gnu

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman calls Kuwait's new emir Sheikh Nawaf to offer condolences

Tue, 2020-09-29 23:30

RIYADH: King Salman made a phone call on Tuesday to Kuwait's next emir, Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah to offer his sincere condolences for the loss of his brother, Saudi Press Agency reported.
The emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, passed away earlier on Tuesday aged 91.
He had ruled Kuwait since 2006.
During the call, the king said: “We have lost a dear brother and a leader who devoted his life to the service of his homeland, Arab and Islamic nation and the human community,.”
The king said he gained a distinguished position and was highly appreciated by world leaders and people. 
“We offer our condolences to all the people of the Gulf and the Arab and Islamic nations,” adding that “he passed away after a career full of achievement and giving.”
He added, “He passed away after a journey full of achievement and generosity. We ask God to bestow his mercy and forgiveness and to dwell in his spaciousness in paradise.”

Later on Tuesday, King Salman tweeted: “With the departure of Kuwait’s emir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, I lost a dear brother, a generous friend with great stature. He is highly regarded and deserves all the appreciation.”
He added: “We miss him as much as his people miss him, and history will immortalize him as he devoted his life to the service of his country and the Arab and Islamic nations. 
“Our condolences to our people of Kuwait.”

King Salman also congratulated Sheikh Nawaf on assuming the reins of emir Kuwait and said that the Kingdom stands with Kuwait, wishing the country more security, prosperity and stability. 


This section contains relevant reference points, placed in (Opinion field)

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman also offered his condolences to Sheikh Nawaf in a separate call on Tuesday.
Sheikh Nawaf expressed his thanks and appreciation to King Salman and the crown prince for their “sincere fraternal feelings.”

Main category: 
Saudi Arabia’s king, crown prince offer condolences after death of Kuwaiti emirKuwait emir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah dies aged 91

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/33cOqJG

Saudi project clears 1,250 more mines in Yemen

Tue, 2020-09-29 23:14

RIYADH: The Saudi Project for Landmine Clearance (Masam) in Yemen dismantled 2 antipersonnel mines, 204 anti-tank mines, and 1,036 unexploded ordnance and 8 explosive devices — totaling 1,250 mines — during the fourth week of September.
A total of 187,795 mines have been extracted since the beginning of the project. More than 1.1 million mines have been planted by Iran-backed Houthi militias in Yemen during the conflict, claiming hundreds of civilian lives.
Masam aims to dismantle mines in Yemen to protect civilians and ensure that urgent humanitarian supplies are delivered safely.
It trains local demining engineers, equips them with modern equipment and also helps mine victims.
In June, KSRelief extended Masam’s contract for one year at a cost of $30 million. The project has 32 demining teams. Most landmines retrieved by Masam teams are locally made, while others originate from Iran.
Houthis are developing anti-vehicle mines and turning them into antipersonnel explosives to terrorize civilians.

Main category: 
Arab coalition says Yemeni prisoner swap ‘positive’ stepSaudi aid agency signs $15 million deal for projects in Yemen

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/3jaNZVQ

Interpol chief lauds Saudi efforts to fight graft

Tue, 2020-09-29 23:15

RIYADH: The secretary-general of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), Jurgen Stock, on Tuesday lauded Saudi Arabia for taking effective measures to fight corruption.
He expressed these views during a virtual meeting with Mazen bin Ibrahim Al-Kahmous, president of the Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority (Nazaha).
Al-Kahmous thanked the Interpol official for accepting the Kingdom’s invitation to participate in the first anti-corruption ministerial meeting of the G20 to be held on Oct. 22. The aim of the meeting is to promote integrity and use all G20 countries’ resources to root out corruption.
During the meeting, they discussed several issues of common interest. Nazaha chief said the Saudi government was keen to adopt several pioneering G20 initiatives to fight corruption.
Nazaha aims to create a work environment of integrity, transparency, honesty, justice and equality in the bodies that fall within its jurisdiction or specialization.
According to official statistics, financial and administrative corruption cases made up the bulk of the reports.


Main category: 
Saudi anti-graft agency probes 105 corruption cases in different sectorsSaudi anti-graft chief praises Kingdom’s progress in tackling corruption

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/36ixSSH

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from NDTV News - India-news https://ift.tt/3kX5Q3a

King Salman receives closing statement of the Science Group Summit

Tue, 2020-09-29 01:15

On behalf of King Salman, Health Minister Dr. Tawfiq Al-Rabiah on Monday received the closing statement of the Science Group Summit (S20) from the group’s chair, Dr. Anas bin Faris Al-Fares, who is also the president of King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology, after a virtual meeting.
Several scientific organizations from the G20 countries took part in the meeting, which was hosted by Saudi Arabia. The S20 group focuses on future health, a circular economy and the digital revolution. The meeting stressed the importance of making decisions based on scientific facts supported by data.
The closing statement of the meeting included 10 recommendations, which will be submitted to the G20 heads of state. More than 180 scholars participated in drafting the recommendation. They called for increasing the level of preparedness in the wake of a pandemic. They also recommended consolidating advanced treatment and precision medical research with a particular focus on keeping the costs affordable and treatments accessible to all.
The group also stressed the need to devise policies to face challenges arising from demographic shifts. One of the recommendations includes development of an integrated approach to the extraction of natural resources.
They also urged the relevant authorities to consolidate recycling systems to curb carbon emissions.

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2020 G20 Leaders’ Summit to be held virtually on Nov. 21 – 22 Saudi Arabia to host ‘virtual’ G20 meeting on oil markets

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/33aKdWO

Madinah governor reviews vital transport project

Tue, 2020-09-29 00:30

MADINAH: Madinah Gov. Prince Faisal bin Salman on Monday chaired a meeting to review a bus rapid transit (BRT) project for Madinah.
He said the project will help create new job opportunities for the people of the region.
The project will be completed in the fourth quarter of 2021.
The BRT project consists of two main 52-km lanes and 33 parking stations. The first lane will start from Prince Mohammed bin Abdul Aziz International Airport station and it will end at the west station of Madinah passing through the Prophet’s Mosque station, the Haramain express station, and the Knowledge Economic City station.
The second lane will begin from Sayed Al-Shuhada Square Station to the Miqat Mosque. SPA Madinah

Main category: 
Madinah governor opens project for needy studentsMadinah governor OKs two new categories to annual excellence awards

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/3kSSGEc

King Salman Energy Park receives prestigious green building rating

Mon, 2020-09-28 23:55

DHAHRAN: King Salman Energy Park (SPARK) has been certified with a prestigious green building rating, becoming the first industrial city in the world to receive Silver Level accreditation for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).

The LEED program is an internationally-recognized green building certification system, which verifies that buildings are designed to improve performance across key sustainability metrics such as energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impact.

The LEED certification strengthens SPARK’s ability to support future tenants and investors on their own journey towards LEED certification of their own facilities, as part of a fully-integrated energy community.

It also affirms the city’s integrated sustainability practices, which are at the heart of the community’s planning.

SPARK President & CEO, Saif S. Al Qahtani, said: “SPARK is distinguishing itself as a leading global energy, industrial and technology hub, cementing Saudi Arabia’s position as a progressive innovator in these fields on the international stage.

The certification reaffirms our commitment to reducing the city’s carbon footprint. LEED communities are in high global demand, as they offer better rates of profitability, productivity and quality of workplace. Our goal is to create an ecosystem for energy-related companies to grow with minimum environmental impact, and we encourage other industrial cities to follow our lead.”

Strategically located at the heart of Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province, SPARK’s vision is to be the primary gateway to the regional energy sector. Its technologically-advanced ecosystem offers investors unmatched supply-chain efficiency and has been designed to provide an ultramodern “plug and play” infrastructure. As well as targeting large corporations, SPARK also caters to small and medium sized enterprises and provides support through its SPARK SME Hub, creating a tailored microcosm for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

This allows streamlined and cost-effective operations near major workforce providers and close to highway and railway networks. At maturity, it will be home to over 300 industrial, technology and service facilities focused on meeting demand for energy goods and services across the entire value chain.

LEED certification is a key step in ensuring that environmentally-sensitive techniques are consistently applied to the construction of SPARK across industrial, commercial and residential facilities. It is part of SPARK’s vision to be a proving ground for green tools and technologies designed to minimize the impact of activities conducted within the city, the most successful of which will serve as a blueprint for the oil and gas industry - as well as for businesses and homes across the country.

Main category: 
King Salman Energy Park announces key investmentKing Salman Energy Park, Prince Mohammad bin Fahd University sign deal to train 80 Saudi students

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/34bjety

Saudi aid agency signs $15 million deal for projects in Yemen

Mon, 2020-09-28 23:54

JEDDAH: The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center on Monday signed a $15 million deal with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to carry out humanitarian projects in Yemen.

The projects, part of the UN Humanitarian Response Plan for Yemen 2020, will benefit 223, 918 people in Marib, Aden, Lahj, and the Hadramout governorates.

KSRelief Supervisor General Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah and IOM Director General Antonio Vitorino signed the agreement during a virtual meeting.

The agreement aims to provide emergency relief to the displaced people, ensure access to educational services, and increase coordination to help people living in refugee camps to provide them with accommodation.

Last week, the center signed an agreement with the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to implement seven projects in Yemen worth $46 million.


The agreement aims to provide emergency relief to the displaced people and ensure access to educational services.

It aims to support access for Yemeni children affected by the coronavirus pandemic to educational opportunities through remote learning.

The projects will be carried out in cooperation with Yemen’s Education Ministry and provincial authorities in 20 Yemeni regions.

One of the projects will focus on reducing injuries and deaths caused by malnutrition in children and pregnant women in eight governorates that have high levels of acute malnutrition.

KSRelief also signed deals to provide more than $200 million of assistance to Yemen through the World Food Programme (WFP), the World Health Organization, and the UN Higher Commissioner for Refugees.

Sudan floods

The center continued its relief activities in flood-hit Sudan on Monday.

It provided urgent aid to families whose houses were destroyed by floods in Ed Abu Zeid in Khartoum. The center provided them tents, shelter bags, and food items.


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Saudi aid agency distributes food baskets in LebanonSaudi aid agency opens dialysis center in Beirut

from Saudi Arabia https://ift.tt/3cFS4z5

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